Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Both Absolutely and Relativity Speaking

The past is absolute, the future is relative. The present is where the future meets the past and the relative becomes the absolute as the present becomes the past (in this sense time flows backward).
The absolute nature of the past does not depend upon our knowledge of it. What happened happened and it’s not subject to change, hence its absolute aspect.
Both the past and future are now non-existent, except as mental abstractions. At any time, only the present (the Now) exists and the present is never stagnant.
Before a baseball game, the final score is relative. When the game is over, the final score is absolute.
Absolute and relative cannot co-exist. You can’t have both change and non-change at the same time.
Absolute and relative are a feature of the process of time. They are not the centerpiece of a Celestial M.O.

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